Reduced price or free entrance

Entrance to the museum is free WITH PROOF for:

Children under 12
Children under 19 educated in an education establishment of the community of the municipalities of Lodève and Larzac (CCL&L)
Students under 26
Pediatric nurse, childcare workers
Those receiving social aid* upon presentation of a justification less than 3 months old
Agents of the CCL&L and agents of the CCL&L communes
Handicapped people and a companion (disability card, handicapped adults allowance (AAH) or handicapped child education allowance (AEE-1))
Those accompanying a group
Those with a Conference guide card
Those with a Tourism Offices Staff card
Journalists upon presentation of a valid press card
International Council of Museums (ICOM), International Council on Museums and Sites (ICOMOS), Public Collections Curators Association France (AGCCPF), House of the Artists (Maison des Artistes), Minister of Culture card holders
Members of the Lodève museum scientific comities
During the "Nuit des musées" (French Long Night of Museums)

*  French social aid: Revenu de solidarité active (RSA), Allocation d'insertion (AI), Allocation de solidarité spécifique (ASS), Allocation parent isolé (API), , Allocation aux adultes handicapés (AAH), Allocation supplémentaire d'invalidité (ASI), Allocation de solidarité aux personnes âgées (ASPA), Minimum vieillesse.

Reduced fare ticket WITH PROOF for:

Young people aged 12 to 18
Residents of the CCL&L territory
Unemployed jobseekers
Members of a friends of the museum association
People with a disability card (less than 80% disability)

contact us

+33 (0)4 67 88 86 10

Postal address
1 place Francis Morand
34700 Lodève


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