from 28 sep. 2019 to 23 feb. 2020

Ensor, Magritte, Alechinsky...

Masterpieces from the Musée d'Ixelles

This exhibition is an invitation to explore pathways in Belgian art, moving through a selection of masterpieces from the Musée d'Ixelles collection (Brussels).


This panorama, casting a light on the main currents from fin-de-siècle Belgium to the aftermath of the Second World War, illustrates the charged richness and unique character of the period. Oscillating between international influences and specifically local concerns, between a deep attachment to the physical and a fertile propensity for the imaginary, Belgian art reveals itself to be a hymn to modernity, freedom and non-conformity.

Morren, Femme épinglant son chapeau, 1901
Jan Toorop, Dame à l'ombrelle
Anto Carte, Maternité

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France 3 OccitanieFrance Bleue HéraultTélérama

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+33 (0)4 67 88 86 10

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1 place Francis Morand
34700 Lodève


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